Smarter Social Marketing

Flatter me, and I may not believe you.
Criticize me, and I may not like you.
Ignore me, and I may not forgive you.
Encourage me, and I will not forget you
– William Arthur Ward

It feels like school all over again. When one steps away from the familiar and into the unknown, learning is a given. Over the past year and a bit I’ve joined the Facebook fray, started several Twitter accounts, built a blog, and started learning how to promote my online presence. Not bad for a self-confessed techno-phobe. But I didn’t do it alone; I had great help.

When I posted on a question on a freelance forum about how to promote a new blog, I certainly wasn’t expecting this encouraging and pertinent response:

You can share links on Stumbleupon, Digg, Reddit, Yahoo! Buzz, Google Buzz, Netvibes, Sphinn, Delicious, etc. Adding the blog to Technorati can help.

I try to post links to Twitter and Facebook using so I can see how many clicks the post has received, as directly related to my tweets and status updates.

Thanks Ron Doyle. Gotta go now, I have to study up on and Digg and Redditt and ohhh… my head is starting to Buzz!

1 thought on “Smarter Social Marketing

  1. Pingback: Passion, Social Media and the Freelancer | Megan E. Kopp

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